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Electronic Communication Usage Policy


Current as of: 01 November 2022

Electronic communication includes email, facsimile and Short Message Service (SMS).

Our practice’s primary reason for communicating electronically to patients is to improve communication and services to our patients. For example we issue appointment reminders via HotDoc and sometime SMS to remind patients of upcoming appointments. As such we need to verify the correct contact details of the patient frequently.

Whilst not encouraged, our practice allows patients an opportunity to obtain advice or information related to their care by electronic means, but only where the general practitioner determines that a face-to-face consultation is unnecessary and that communication by electronic means is suitable. Our practice will only provide information that is of a general, non-urgent nature and will not initiate electronic communication (other than SMS appointment reminders) with patients.

Any electronic communication received from patients is also used as a method to verify the contact details we have recorded on file are correct and up-to-date.

Communication with patients via electronic means is conducted with appropriate regard to privacy.


Please be aware of the risks associated with electronic communication, in that the information exchanged is NON-SECURED and UNENCRYPTED, and it could be intercepted or read by someone other than the intended recipient. It can also be forwarded, intercepted, printed and stored by others.

Any emails and/or results sent out by might land in the patient’s junk or spam mail and it is the patient’s responsibility to check these email folders.

DO NOT CORRESPOND or REPLY to, as it will not be checked.

DO NOT LEAVE ANY MESSAGE on the mobile number where SMS is sent from. It will not be checked.

For appointment booking, please DO NOT EMAIL. Instead please call Reception or via online booking system (HotDoc).

Please always call Wolli Medical Reception on 95562188 during business hours re your appointments and enquiries.  

Policy review statement

This policy is reviewed regularly to ensure it remains applicable to current practice procedure and legal requirements. This policy was created in 18 May 2018, reviewed on 26 August 2019, 1 Oct 2020 (no update) and updated 1 Nov 2022. Any updated policy will be available at Reception.

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